Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Spurn High Tides II

Bar-tailed Godwits - from the archive
Knot - from the archive

Remaining pics (c) 2010 Vince Cowell [named] & John Sadler [unmarked]
Roe Deer Fawn
Small Copper
Dusky Sallow (with thanks to Derrick Venus for ID)
Silver-Y Moth
Numbers of waders with remnants of breeding plumage continue to grow at Spurn. The best times to observe them are at high tides which coincide with early morning light behind you. During the afternoon high tides the light is behind the birds, so the resulting views/images aren't as good. According to the Spurn Website the tallies on 31st of July were: Bar-tailed Godwit - 440; Knot - 6000; Whimbrel - 46; Curlew - 80; Turnstone - & Dunlin 4500. It's also rewarding for mammals at the moment with a Roe Deer fawn with its mother around the chalk Bank area & a vulnerable-looking Leveret. The vast numbers of waders are best viewed at the smaller of the 2 Chalk Bank hides, but the closest views of all may be obtained utlizing your car as a hide and observing the waders from the really bad road just north of the Warren. there are also plenty of insects for those who are interested - the most rewarding lcations being Beacon Lane, Kilnsea & Sammy's Point near Easington.


  1. Your photos of leverets on sand are just beautiful. Do you see this often?

  2. No it is quite a rare sight, but because Spurn is a narrow strip of sand jutting out into the North sea, then it probably happens there at least once every year
