Saturday, 3 July 2010

Butterfly Walk

Female Dark Green Fritillary
[The dark green is on the underside of the wing!]

The remaining pics are: Marbled White x2, Ringlet, Large Skipper with mites, Kestrel chicks, Poppy, Clustered Bellflower & Scarlet Pimpernel
Today was the first scheduled walk to 'Search for Marbled Whites', and we did find some, but it was a swift-moving fairly large orange butterfly, which stole the show. It was certainly a fritillary, and is most probably a Dark Green Fritillary, but I'm just waiting for an expert to confirm ID. Breaking news - The expert has come back to me to confirm it is indeed a female Dark Green Fritillary, and is only the 2nd one recorded in our Vice-County (VC61) & the first to be photographed. he asked if it was laying eggs on violets, but I'm afraid I couldn't confirm that. The reason this find is so exciting is that there aren't supposed to be any species of Fritillary in this particular area. Other butterfly highlights were: a single Red Admiral, a couple of Small Tortoiseshells, plenty of Ringlets with fewer Meadow Browns, Small Heaths and both Large & Small Skippers. The birds we saw included 2 Little Owls, Kestrels with 2 chicks, Willow Warblers, Meadow Pipits, Yellowhammers, Linnets & Goldfinches. It's another Owl Safari tomorrow night, so I hope the Tawny Owls play ball - they were noticeable by their absence today.

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