Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Putting Out Feelers

Blue-tailed Damselfly

Micro-moth Nemophora degeerella (above & below)
Record shot of Jay
Grey Squirrel
Birdsfoot Trefoil [eggs]
Birdsfoot Trefoil [Bacon]
Common White Wave [moth]
Large Skipper
Speckled Wood
Drinker Moth Caterpillar
Amphibious Bistort
Viper's Bugloss
Marsh? Orchid
Today was more of an insect location than one for birds. Last year it was swarming with Green Woodpeckers, but this time we only had one brief glimpse - they have probably been very badly affected by the winter. Another bird hit by the winter elsewhere - a Little Grebe - managed to have 3 tiny chicks here, but one of whom looked very frail, and may not survive. A few warblers were still sining in a desultory manner: Blackcap, Garden Warbler, Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, and Reed Warbler. In the birch woodland a pair of Great Spotted Woodpeckers had at least 2 young, and a treecreeper was seen here. Some Bullfinches remained in the same willow tree for some time, allowing everyone on the morning session to obtain decent views. The reserve is great for wild flowers, but the mullein and Evening primroses have yet to flower. The most spectacular insects seen were some micro moths with extraordinarily attentuated antennae. These perform an amazing 'up-and-down' dance in the shade, and were most noticeable in the morning. Butterflies seen included Common Blue, Small Heath, Red Admiral, (a possible Painted Lady), Speckled Wood, a few assorted whites, and a possible Brown Argus. Although we didn't see a great deal of bird species, people who had not visited this venue before found it a tranquil and inspiring locality.

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