Friday, 11 June 2010

Flaming June

Linnet (c) 2010 Vince Cowell
Record shot of Barn Owl
Record shot of Barn Owl
Large Skipper (c) 2010 Vince Cowell
Yellow-Tail Moth caterpillar (c) 2010 Vince Cowell
Rercord shot of disappearing Stoat
Small Heath (c) 2010 Vince Cowell
Large White (c) 2010 Vince Cowell
The Friday afternoon class, plus Highwayman!
It wasn't a brilliant day weather-wise, but it was easily the best day of the week. The morning started off overcast & very cold, but it did manage to warm up through the day. The day began slowly with only Whitethroats, a Yellowhammer and a Heron, but eventually we saw a Little Egret and a pair of Marsh Harriers. From the hide both groups saw a Kingfisher; in the morning it just whizzed over the water, whistling, but in the afternoon it was watched fishing from a round Willow bush. We had 2 glimpses in the morning of a Turtle Dove, but it was typically elusive. We stumbled across a Barn Owl in the morning, which gave prolonged views, but we couldn't locate it after lunch. A Lesser Whitethroat rattled away, but was much harder to see. Other Warblers seen included Sedge & Reed, but strangely we only heard a Blackcap. In the morning a male cuckoo flew very slowly straight towards us and over the hide, but we didn't even hear it during the afternoon. We obtained good views of a Stoat, but as I knelt down to take its picture it dashed out of sight.

The afternoon was taken up with several attempts at a photo session, as Maurice attempted to take some pictures of myself with the group, which was requested by the Yorkshire Post for a feature on the Wildlife events with which I'm involved during Robert Fuller's forthcoming Summer Wildlife Exhibition and Festival. I'm not used to having my photograph taken & found the experience excrutiating - it felt like an invasion of my personal space!

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