Thursday, 24 June 2010


Pics: Willow Tit, Treecreeper, Cinnabar Moth (c) 2010 Margaret Richardson, , Orange Underwing, Nemophora degereella (with last week's for comparison), Green Weevils Mating, a Brown Weevil, Meadow Brown (c) 2010 Margaret Richardson, Orchid sp. & Amphibious Bistort.

Amphibious Bistort

The final Thursday session of the summer we went to Barlow Common for the first time. I wasn't expecting many birds after last week's slightly disappointing visits, but we had a whole family of Willow Tits, a Treecreeper, and a Cormorant - all found in new areas since last week. Blackcaps, Willow Warblers, Chiffchaffs, Whitethroats and Garden Warblers were still singing, and all but the last species were also viewed. The fledgling Great Spotted Woodpeckers were still in the woodland, but we also had a very inexperienced Treecreeper here, as well as recently fledged Mistle Thrushes. More Mistle Thrushes were eating Cherries on the edge of the common. Once the day brightened up there were several species of insect, including 2 weevils, and several species of butterfly. One Evening Primrose had come into flower since last week, and the awful clouds of Poplar seeds had all made their journey to the ground, so weren't getting in our eyes & mouths like they were last week. There was no young Grass Snake this time, but there were more species of dragonfly over the pool, and a Jay flew across the common from one side of the other giving participants prolonged views. Hoping that during the final visit to this venue next week we'll have full sunshine, so students can enjoy the full range of species at this popular site.


  1. The orchid might be Marsh Orchid. Possibly Northern Marsh Orchid.

    Richard B
