Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Winter Warbler

Cetti's Warbler (c) 2010 Ron McCombe
Record shot of Bittern in flight - like all today's views
Dirty, Filthy Great Tit, possibly with deformed Bill
(c) 2010 Vince Cowell
Reed Bunting (c) 2010 Vince Cowell
The forecast wasn’t brilliant today, but we went ahead anyway, and just slipped out of county. We were rewarded with brilliant views in fairly dim weather of a Cetti’s Warbler in the Main Hide. This came out a couple of times allowing all but the person sat in the best position to see it fairly well! As it was drizzling I left my camera in the car, so the above pic was taken in nicer weather at a different location. As the Cetti showed a small raptor swooped past (not seen by me) & it went quiet for about 15 mins, but it did sing again eventually, phew! Barbara spotted the 1st Bittern of the day - it was seen twice more in the morning, and possibly a different bird was flushed from very close to the path in the afternoon. Several duck species were getting frisky including: Teal, Gadwall & Mallard. A pair of drake Shoveler seemed to be scouring each pool for some females without success. Unlike North Cave Wetlands we did manage to find single examples of both Great Crested & Little Grebes, but numbers of all wildfowl are still down on what is expected at this time of year. The quantity of Pochard had increased, but there were very few passerines away from the feeding station. At the feeders there was an incredibly dark Great Tit. At first it almost looked black, but when it was stationary you could see all the markings under what seemed to be a thick layer of dirt. It was too dark to photograph it today, so above is a pic taken at the same site a short while ago.

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