Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Warmest Day of the Year

All pics for today's post (c) 2010 Tony Robinson
Grey Partridge
It was rather a misty start, but it was actually relatively warm – certainly the warmest visit to this site this year! Miles & Tony saw 2 Grey Partridges on the way to the location, but then we saw hardly anything on the long walk to the viewpoint. The light was pretty poor, but we did see 2 Barn Owls in the morning, and 2 views of a female Marsh Harrier in the afternoon. A flock of 18 Curlew flew down on to the saltmarsh, and then back to the inter-tidal area. One of the first birds we saw when we popped our heads over the floodbank was a Grey Plover, and there were several of these, plus both species of Godwit. Miles reckoned that there were 80+ Godwits, but we could only differentiate the species in flight – because of the distance and bad light involved. There were a couple of Ringed Plovers, and occasionally flocks of swift-flying Golden Plovers scythed the air as they flew to and away from the Humber estuary. Also, seen as the tide came in: Wigeon, Knot, Dunlin, Teal, Oystercatcher, Curlew. A Snipe was flushed from the floodbank, and at least 24 Skylarks were feeding among the samphire. Other passerines visible were: Reed Buntings, Starlings, Wrens, Meadow Pipits & Pied Wagtail. Back towards the car park at lunch time were a flock of c.20 Greylag Geese containing 2 Pinkfeet. We also saw at least 10 Roe Deer and a Hare, whilst Sally got a brief glimpse of a small mammal crossing our path. Our final visit to this location for a while.

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