Wednesday, 4 November 2009


Brambling - bit like the one at today's site
Golden Plovers (c) 2009 Jackie Dawson
Skylark (c) 2009 Aileen Urquhart
Skylark (c) 2009 Tony Robinson
Skylark (c) 2009 Tony Robinson
Wren (c) 2009 Aileen Urquhart
Mute Swan - Acting oddly (c) 2009 Aileen Urquhart
Common Gull (c) 2009 Tony Robinson
Today’s planned rendezvous had to be changed because the reserve car park was sealed off, as a gas pipeline was being laid. We met in a car park about a mile further west. One participant went for a stroll round the bushes before the session started and flushed a Woodcock. We walked along the side of the Humber, but there wasn’t a great deal to see apart from the odd Redshank, Mallard and Curlew. The police had a significant presence with a large van with 2 blokes early doors; this was changed to a car with one female officer later on. There didn’t appear to be any evidence of criminal activity, and surely they weren’t keeping an eye on the forlorn young Mute Swan we wondered. There were some Golden Plovers on the mudflats, and later a flock of 200+ Lapwings were seen north of the site. There were 11 Black-tailed Godwits on the mud – the most interesting wader seen. We were serenaded by a close-flying Skylark in the morning, but in the afternoon no Skylarks were even seen – their place was taken over by Meadow Pipits. The afternoon was mainly a re-run of the morning, but we were held up for 15 minutes by the police whilst aa couple from army bomb disposal exploded a device found on the riverside. We were allowed through several minutes after the loud bang, which sent all the waders and wildfowl into the air. A Sparrowhawk flew low over the mudflats, whilst this morning a different individual was harassing birds in the village. The bird of the afternoon was seen as we were almost back at the car park. Some finches flew into the top of the trees, and with 2 Chaffinches was a single male Brambling – the 1st I’ve actually had a decent view of this winter. It actually stayed posing longer than the Chaffinches, allowing everyone to get good views before disappearing - a nice end to a cold and windswept day. Brian reports 25 species this morning, so with the Brambling and Little Egret that makes 27. It would have been higher if we’d been allowed to get into the usual reserve!

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