Friday, 9 October 2009

Watching Paint Dry

Dryad's Saddle
Death by Chocolate with cocoa powder!
A very disappointing day with strong southerly winds making things very miserable on the cliff edge. This morning we saw 4 Common Scoters, and plenty of Gannets. The walk normally takes 2.75 hours including stops for watching wildlife. This morning we arrived back at base an hour earlier than normal - we just didn't need to stop & watch anything. It was probably the least rewarding session in 6 years of visits. There was certainly no Firecrests when we were there, as we listened for 15 minutes and could only hear a distant Wren. I may have to drop this venue from future autumn trips - it's never yet lived up to its reputation as being 2nd only to Spurn in its migration interest. Even the bonking couple, which would have at least increased the temperature, were missing today. The afternoon session shifted to some nearby woodland. We saw a Cormorant over the sea, and heard 3 seperate Treecreepers without seeing one. A distant Great Spotted Woodpecker was one of the few birds seen. We did see some Honey Fungus, Dryad's Saddle, 'Death by Chocolate' & plenty of ferns & trees, but it wasn't what we'd travelled 70 miles there-and-back to experience!

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