Thursday, 22 October 2009

Top Notch

Water Rail (c) 2009 Jackie Dawson
Water Rail
Kingfisher (female)
Record shot of Kingfisher
Wren (c) 2009 Jackie Dawson
Great Tit
Treecreeper (c) 2009 Jackie Dawson
Black-headed Gull
A Cetti's Warbler was recorded at this location yesterday, but there was no sign of it today. However, there were 2 Kingfishers, 2 Water Rails and plenty of Wrens at the same hide. There were also 2 Water Rails at a different hide. We saw 4 different Treecreepers around the reserve and plenty of Goldcrests. The wasp's nest was starting to decay, and the first stirrings of Orange-Peel Fungus were beginning to emerge. Something frightened all the wildlfowl off the large reserve, but we were unable to track down a raptor. Overall, we must have seen or heard about 40 species - plus the weather was kind to us. The rain didn't start until the class had finished.

1 comment:

  1. You can age those kingfishers too - the feet are dark on the female (so a 1st year), and pathcy dark/orange on the other bird (so also 1st year). Theya re bright unmarked orange on 2nd year birds.
