Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Shelves Still Groaning

'Bridled' Guillemot & abandoned eggs (c) 2009 Tony Robinson
Fulmar (c) 2009 Tony Robinson
Immature Lesser Black Backed Gull (c) 2009 Tony Robinson
Linnet (c) 2009 Tony Robinson
Skylark (c) 2009 Tony Robinson
The supermarket shelves were still fully stocked today with plenty of Puffins, Guillemots, Razorbills, Kittiwakes, Herring Gulls, Rock/Feral Doves, Meadow Pipits, Skylarks and Jackdaws. There were nearly 30 Linnets in the grassy areas near North Marsh. A Dunlin flew past in the morning clearly disorientated by the mist; whilst in the afternoon a couple of Sand Martins joined the Swallows and plenty of House Martins. Meanwhile Swifts kept heading south in twos and threes. Both groups managed to glimpse a Rock Pipit, looking distinctly darker and larger than the more abundant Meadow Pipits. The mist stayed most of the morning only thinning around 11.30, but by 1pm it was coming in again. In the brief respite in the morning we had the best views of Shags in any of the visits so far, and Gannets could be glimpsed - most of them heading south. There were several Painted Ladies, Meadow Browns, Ringlets, Burnet moths & one Cinnabar. The car park crawled with vintage motor bikers & schoolkids, but at this location you can manage to get away from them & still enjoy the birds.


  1. Fantastic photographs - particularly the Puffin, Linnet & Skylark.

  2. Thanks Brad, maybe the misty conditions softened the harsh light we had last week in bright sunshine

  3. Thanks Brad, maybe the misty conditions softened the harsh light we had last week in bright sunshine

    Yes, that always helps defuse the light a bit. I usually just up the iso a bit to increase shutter speeds in conditions like that.

  4. Oh, wish I could have gone! Had a chinese in Mr Chu's instead as it was John's 70th
