Friday, 17 July 2009

Exceedingly Good Cakes & Baths!

All pics with this post (c) 2009 Maurice Gordon

Yellow Wagtail
Linnet Aggression
Marbled White
Marbled White
Bordered Sallow
White-Letter Hairstreak
Maurice Gordon visited one of our best July butterfly hotspots and got some marvellous pictures of Marbled Whites and a possible Bordered Sallow, but was also able to get some nice bird shots. I’ve had many questions recently asking “Where are all the small birds?” This happens every year, when the parents of our songbirds after successfully raising a brood or two hide away as they moult some of their feathers. However, Maurice managed to find a place where he was able to get privileged close-up access to a number of passerines, including: Yellowhammer, Yellow Wagtail, Linnet, Goldfinches, Meadow Pipits and Whitethroats. He was surprised at how aggressive the Linnets were & thought they took a particular dislike to Yellow Wagtails! He found he could park quite close to a large puddle in a car park and stick his long lens out the window, and obtain the above shots. However, care had to be taken to keep hands inside the car, as any manual focussing outside the car meant the birds soon disappeared. If we have another hot day without showers (a big ask, I know), then somewhere like this can be very rewarding. I know there are plenty of Bullfinches in the area, which is another worthwhile target. Although this location is deserted during the week, it can be quite a busy place at weekends. However, even the weekdays may be busier now the brats (sorry, I mean little darlings) have broken up from school! Also above is Maurice's best photo of a local White-letter Hairstreak managed so far this year.

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