Friday, 3 July 2009

The Day My Camera Died

Pied Wagtail
Reed Warbler
Unfortunately, all images today are from last year. The venue was changed to North Cave from Flamborough because thunderstorms were forecast. I expect to hear that it hasn't rained in Flamboro' at all! The morning started well with a Pied Wagtail feeding two youngsters on the "Kingfisher" perches outside the South Hide. Things went downhill from this moment on. We were at the point of no return at North Cave - the furthest point from any hide - when the Heavens opened. Apart from having a bath or a shower, I have never been so wet in my life, and that includes a downpour on the Humber bank at Brough about 3 years ago, and another at Flamborough 2 years ago. Although I took evasive action by shoving my camera under my kagoule, the power of the rain was just too strong. I realised things were bad when the kagoule which pinches tightly at the wrists began to balloon at this point as it filled with water. Most of the water was kept off the camera, but just enough to put it out of action. It is now in the airing cupboard for a couple of days, to see if it can be salvaged. I had to return home after aborting the morning class because every item of clothing was drenched. After getting changed and having lunch I returned to North Cave for the afternoon session. This time we saw 4 young Wagtails being fed, but we had no camera to catch the action. Apparently, there have been 9 Avocets chicks at this location this year, and 4 were still visible this afternoon. One was quite well grown, but the other 3 still looked quite vulnerable. The only other young birds of note were the many Reed Warblers (including immatures) flying back & forth under the Turret hide and 3 Common Tern chicks on the raft opposite East hide. On a positive note my mobile phone escaped the downpour, but I'd rather have lost that than the camera!

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