Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Collared a Prat(incole)

Collared Pratincole (c) 2009 John Sadler
The weather forecast was abysmal for today, so the butterfly visit to Barlow Common was regretfully cancelled. In the event the day was overcast, but nothing like as wet as the forecast and could probably have gone ahead. However, the butterfly numbers would probably have been rather low. The Collared Pratincole reported last night from Pulfin Bog reappeared, so I texted John to see if he had abandoned his decorating to see it. He hadn’t, so we decided to go together. This was John’s first visit to this site, and he was struck by the long walk to the actual site. It would certainly keep someone fit, if they wished to visit it regularly as their local patch. On reaching the open lake area we carried straight on to a small group of birders with their scopes trained on a slim spit of land. It wasn’t until John moved away to a different vantage point that I could even see the bird. The above photo gives a very accurate sighting of the bird, but to see it in all its glory I would recommend you look at David Hobson’s remarkable photo taken in better light yesterday evening. http://www.hullvalleywildlifegroup.org.uk/July2009Sightings.html
It is a stunning bird on that site & in all the reference books. Also present: Goldeneye, Wigeon, Common Tern, Little Egret, Kingfisher, Swifts, Sand Martins (all heading south), Swallow, and plenty of common stuff. On the way back we spotted a couple of Common Sandpipers on the mud along the river Hull. A lot better day than the forecasters would have had us believe! Again!!!!

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