After an abysmal year so far, weather-wise, I never thought I'd complain about the heat, but this was the hottest day since the classes started more than 5 years ago. It could have been the hills, which made it feel hotter than it really was! We went to Friday's location for the last time this term, so the highlights were the Redstart and the Tree Pipit again. The latter showed for both classes, but the Redstart was easier to see in the afternoon. There was no evidence of raptors this time, but we had displaying Curlew, clouds of butterflies (well, quite a few varieties - Painted Ladies, Brimstones, Orange-Tips, Small Heaths, various whites, a single Red Admiral, Speckled Wood and a Common Blue). There were plenty of warblers and finches, but apart from the 2 star birds, nothing out of the ordinary.
What luck to stumble upon your blog - you have just identified for me the miscreant who was trashing my allotment in Swanland on Monday - the Partridge!
Hope you didn't shoot it, and put it in your pot! Sometimes called the French Partridge, as they were introduced from France in the 18th & 19th-centuries - amazing markings!