Monday, 25 May 2009

Tophill Open Day - 2009

Great Spotted Woodpecker - through glass!
Record shot with wings open
Spotted Flycatcher - through glass
Red-legged Partridge
Moorhen (juvenile)
Tufted Ducks
Grey Partridge - on the approach road
Before Tophill I went to Kiplingcotes where the following pictures where taken:
Record shot of a very distant Turtle Dove
Roe Deer (buck)
Roe Deer (buck)
Dingy Skipper
The Tophill Low open day was a great success with more than 150 people before noon, when I led a walk round the reserve. The visitors seemed to be most entranced by the Great Spotted Woodpeckers. There were babies with their heads sticking out of a nest hole, and they regularly visited the viewing hide in the visitor centre. Another unusual visitor these days was the Spotted Flycatcher, which landed directly in front of the plate glass windows. A tent had been erected in front of the visitor centre, and directly behind that was a pair of very confiding Red-legged Partridge. On the walk round the reserve we heard Garden Warbler, Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, Blackcap and John identified a Lesser Whitethroat's song with no prompting. The star birds on the walk were probably the pair of Kingfishers sat low on the island at Watton Borrow Pits. Thanks to the volunteer who had his telescope trained on them! We'd been told a Wood Warbler had been heard near the east hide along 'D' reservoir, but we were unable to track it down. Also present: Gadwall, Oystercatcher, Common Tern, Pochard, and plenty of other stuff, including some very noisy Marsh Frogs. The weather was actually hot.

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