Thursday, 28 May 2009

Cliff Edge Stuff

Sand Martin
Cliff Scraping
Removing Sand
Clinging On
Everyone's at Home!
Nesting Material
Fly-past Squabble
Painted Lady
Had a day off today, so took off with Ben, my nephew, in the hope there may have been something interesting at Spurn. Apart from the 4 Lizards and several Painted Ladies outside the Canal Scrape hide there wasn't! Decided to drive up the coast to rendezvous with Sand Martins, which seemed a possible attractive subject to photograph. Stopped off at Roos, but there was no sign of the Spotted Flycatcher in the churchyard, just lots of blue weevils! Tried Hornsea Mere, but it was hopeless, unless you like lots of goslings & grockles. There appeared to be a Mallard/Wigeon hybrid, which was of passing interest, but otherwise not much worth looking at, and nothing worth photographing. Carried on to an area which seemed to have a suitable Sand Martin cliff, and there they were. Unfortunately, it was very dull while I was there, so although the ISO was cranked up fairly high, the aerial shots were very hit and miss, but it was possible with Ben holding my ankles for me to dangle over the cliff for over half-an-hour for me to get a few intimate shots of some really chirpy characters. I'd like to try again in better light to see how tricky it is to try & get them in mid-flight!

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