Thursday, 2 April 2009

Maurice's Greetings Cards

Maurice Gordon, he of the award-winning Sparrowhawk picture, has produced a series of greetings cards. Let me know what you think of them. For instance, are there other pictures of wildlife you'd like adding - name your species - or is there something in one of the packs above, which would put you off buying? Any feedback gratefully received.
Here's Maurice's comments in his own words:
I've decided on the designs for the new greetings cards. I'll make them available for people to buy on the course and I'm also introducing them to some local shops. I've also done an exclusive North Cave Wetlands set as Angie seems happy to give them a go from the Wild Bird. So there are now two sets of wildlife cards, one set of North Cave and an East Riding set too. All are packs of six cards priced at £5 per pack. If they prove popular I can always extend the range and I'll see if I can come up with something Christmassy before the end of the year. Cheers, Maurice

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