Monday, 2 March 2009

Lulu Puts on a Show

Lulu Silhouette
Willow Tit
Willow Tit
Great to hear Lulu singing for the first time this year this morning - only one though, but it is fairly early in the season. The Willow Tit also put on a great performance with its rather lacklustre song standing out in an area where nothing else was singing. A couple of Yellowhammers were also singing nearby, while Great Spotted Woodpeckers were getting jiggy & its cousin was laughing away. Also saw my first Coltsfoot of the Spring. A very nice morning before the weather is supposed to change for the worse again...


  1. Michael, do you think yo ought to explain Lulu's name? And who she is? Just a thought. Not telling my grandfather how to suck eggs!

  2. If you mean the pop singer, she's got a real Scottish name - probably can google it somewhere. I'm not supposed to be more explicit about the bird, interested parties will have to do a little research!

  3. OK. Just thought that if you didn't mention the location it would be fine.
