Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Grins All Round when Perry Showed

Peregrine (c) 2009 Vince Cowell
Peregrine (c) 2009 Vince Cowell
Common Buzzard (c) 2009 Michael Flowers
Dirty Mute Swans
Record shot of Teal

The wildfowl were in similar numbers to other posts from this location, but all Whooper Swans seem to have left the area. There were probably at least 10 drake Pintails viewable from Garganey Hide. However, the best birds today were the raptors, which were especially dramatic in the morning. 2 Peregrines were present, one similar to the North Yorkshire coastal bird pictured above, and a juvenile bird with a lot of brown feathers later in the morning. At one time we spotted 6 different Buzzards soaring in pairs at opposite sides of the site. Another energetic male flew low over the hide in the morning looking quite different from the typical soaring pose we normally see round here. The mucky Swans almost took off the top of the hide, and were later seen indulging in the egg-making process! The site was new to many on the course, but they were impressed with a habitat which used to be so common (see the Ladybird Book: What to Look for in Winter), but which is now so difficult to see locally.


  1. Hi Michael. Mike and I did see 53 whoopers come in to roost at 6pm on Sunday. Went there on way home from Blacktoft arriving 4:30 - no whooper. 1st 3 flew in on way back from Garganey hide at about 5:45 and we dived back into Geoffrey Smith hide and counted them all in. Also saw c6 drake pintail which we didn't see initially, but light was fading and they were some distance away. Could we have possibly heard bearded tit ping from Garganey?

  2. Hi Jan, I suppose it's not impossible, but there are more reeds near Geoff Smith hide. Never heard them their myself, but someone who does the Derwent Valley regularly would have a better idea.
