Monday, 23 February 2009

Welwick Saltings

Short-eared Owl
Barn Owl
Barn Owl
Record Shot of 2 Short-eared Owls

Went back to Welwick with Chris Cox for another look at the Hen Harriers. It was a dull afternoon with drizzle at times, so didn't really expect many birds. The harriers didn't show, but came across a Short-eared Owl sat in a hawthorn bush. It flew over the saltmarsh, where it was joined by another 3. They had a couple of dog-fights, or should that be owl-fights before spreading out. One landed in the distant washed-up tree, but the others disappeared into the reeds. The Barn Owl gave better views. Had a good look further afield, and came across some very promising habitat to explore during the summer months. Oh, dear, I've just realised it's more raptors tomorrow! Can you have too much of a good thing?

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