Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Autumn Wednesday 7 - East Park/Marfleet

All Waxwing pics on this post (c) 2008 Maurice Gordon

Ever wondered why you can't get a signal?
Lovely Tufted Duck - in case you're fed up of Waxwings
(c) 2008 Aileen Urquhart
The risky strategy of switching a location for a specific bird paid dividends, and then some! This was a "lifer" for the majority on the course, and was certainly the largest number I've ever seen at any one time. We were privileged with amazing views when the birds happened to land in the tree we were standing next to. Luckily, they were still around for the afternoon session, but they disappeared suddenly, and when a Sparrowhawk started soaring a few minutes later, they didn't reappear. What I'd never noticed before was that when they were at the top of the tree in the school field they were flying up & catching insects. I know they do this back in Finland, but it's never previously been warm enough for insects when I've seen them here in the UK.
We went on to East Park where we saw 3 drake Goosanders & 2 females - quite an early sighting for those. Eileen spotted the Heron lurking on one of the islands.
Don't forget if you wish to get a larger image of today's pics, please left click with your mouse.

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